[Experiencemaillist] Nordic Urban Laboratory - NUL

Ahola Markus markus.ahola at aalto.fi
Wed Jan 17 11:02:09 EET 2018

March 22- 24th

Hosted by Københavns Internationale Teater (KIT)
METROPOLIS, http://www.metropolis.dk/category/blog/
METROPOLIS REPORT 2012-2015, https://issuu.com/cphmetropolis/docs/changing_metropolis_iii

This key 3-day event will look at how culture can play a stronger role
to develop our neighbourhoods, towns and cities, and it will support
strategies of engaging artists and cultural institutions
in a broader urban context.

Dear Friends

I would like to pay your attention to a conference on URBAN CULTURE
taking place at Hanaholmen in Helsinki from March 22- 24th
organized by Metropolis – Cophenhagen International Theater.

We have invited some 40 speakers to present their thoughts,
experiences and cases from the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Please take a look at the program and the list of speakers that I have enclosed.

Given that there is a strong and growing interest in
public participation/ new democratic models/co-creation/ temporary urbanism/ public space/tactical urbanism/participatory design etc.

Design which are also apparent in Helsinki,
it seems a good opportunity using the NUL
to highlight some of these issues and trends
and to also link them to current practice etc.

The event is a continuation of NULs in Copenhagen 2014 and Gothenburg 2016.

Best regards from Kathrine Winkelhorn

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