[Experiencemaillist] [INVITATION] European Institution of Innovation & Technology Festival October 2nd

Ahola Markus markus.ahola at aalto.fi
Thu Sep 19 08:45:24 EEST 2019

EIT is Europe’s largest innovation network, learn more about the work it does and how it can help you at the EIT Festival on October 2nd here on campus at Otaniemi.

Come along to learn about how we can support your research with opportunities and funding. There will also be information about how to start new ventures, and how we can help student travel and exchange programs.

You can see the full program of events here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-eit-services/eit-festival-programme

Various partners and collaborators of the EIT Community in Finland will hold stands and exhibition at the Science & Innovation Exhibition space.

Attendees will be also offered the possibility to use the Match-Making Platform of Eit RawMaterials (match.eitrawmaterials.eu<http://match.eitrawmaterials.eu>). You will need to indicate in your registration form that you are interested to use the match-making platform, to get the invitation to create your profile.

The EIT Festival is organized back-to-back with the Finnish EU- Presidency event<https://edsce19.eu> gathering officials and stakeholders around Europe.
The following day we are also hosting DigiEduHack https://www.aalto.fi/en/events/digieduhack-3-october-2019 The aim is to develop innovative real-life solutions to the biggest challenges that we are facing today, in the field of digital education. After the DigiEduHack, the best solutions on a worldwide scale will be awarded in a final global award contest.

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