[Experiencemaillist] EVENT AT TUE NOV 03, 2020 16.00 - 17.30 CET: BELIEVING EMPATHY IS UNLIMITED

Tiainen Eero eero.tiainen at aalto.fi
Wed Oct 21 14:50:12 EEST 2020

Intergroup empathy plays an important role in mitigating conflicts that cause the suffering of millions of people worldwide. But how performance art can be used to increase empathy toward outgroup members and bring people together?
At the beginning of November, Experience Platform's doctoral researcher Einat Amir will co-host a discussion about empathy in an open digital event. Her background is in video installations and live performances that are an exploration of human interactions that examine emotional, social and political aspects of everyday communication between individuals and groups.

TUE | NOV 03, 2020 | 16.00 - 17.30 CET

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