Ahola Markus markus.ahola at aalto.fi
Mon Sep 2 13:50:34 EEST 2019

Experience Research Methods

26.09.2019, 12 – 16:30

Aalto University, AGrid, Jeti, Otakaari 5<https://goo.gl/maps/g6odoujMkFYDd7KZ6>

In the event, invited speakers from different schools of Aalto showcase a variety of approaches to study human experiences. Human experience is a multi-faceted research topic, and often making sense of it would require a rich palette of methods. With this event Experience Platform encourages all the people interested in human experience research to collaborate within the use of different methods and to extend the viewpoints in their research projects.

Event is free and open for everybody interested in human experience research.

Event also kicks-off the experience research methods -seminar sessions for doctoral students that consist of presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on experience research to further support the implementation and collaboration in the use of methods.

RSVP latest on 20.9.2019 through the link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EventParticipation/EventPublic/8906cfd8-a2f2-4016-a5b2-4ebe88864052?displayId=Fin1821301


Teija Vainio & Markus Ahola, Introduction
Hertta Vuorenmaa (BIZ), Employee experience
Katja Hölttä-Otto (ENG), Empathy, can it be measured?
Sari Kujala (SCI), Evaluating user experience and values over time
Jussi Jokinen (ELEC), Computational modelling of emotion
Marketta Kyttä (ENG), The Use of softGIS in the study of person-environment relationship
Virpi Roto (ARTS), User experience evaluation

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